The NCR Guidelines
The NCR Guidelines was approved by the NCR Assembly to
establish the Northern California Region (NCR), including the
the NCR Assembly, the NCR Service Committee, and
the NCR subcommittees.
NCR Guidelines
(download here) updated 03/26/2016
Committee and Assembly Meetings
See the Events page for information
about upcoming committee and assembly meetings.
Newsletter Sub-committee
Message from the Newsletter Coordinator
[Originally this was sent by email 3/10/2020, and posted
here 4/2/2020 under the heading "Literature Subcommittee". In
the summer of 2021, the Literature Sub-committee was divided
into the Literature Sub-committee and the Newletter
Sub-committee, with Tracy as Newsletter Coordinator.]
My goals as your literature representative are to start a
regional quarterly newsletter. In order to do this, I need
everyone's assistance. What kinds of items would you like to
see in this newsletter? What kinds of items would be helpful to
your group. Some of the items I thought of are:
- Meetings that need support,
- Kudos to whoever is deserving of them,
- Feature stories that would help others,
- Recourses, documentations, pod casts, etc.
- Ideas that make your group unique and could help other
- Upcoming events (unity day, convention, etc.)
I look forward to getting this started as soon as possible and
to get everyone's input, comments and ideas to help make this a
Thank you for letting me be of service,
Tracy C.