Each region of Nar-Anon may choose a delegate and an alternate
delegate to represent it and communicate with the worldwide
Nar-Anon fellowship. The Nar-Anon Guide to World Services
describes a biennual meeting called the World Service Conference
(WSC) attended by the delegates, the Board of Trustees of
Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. and other various
parties, to pass motions to approve new and modified literature
and set policies for Nar-Anon.
World Representatives Forum
Following the 2021 World Service Conference (WSC), many of the
regional delegates to the WSC have been participating in a
forum where they have continuous access to communication with
each other, worldwide. This social media channel is known as
the "World Representatives Forum of Nar-Anon/Narateen Familly
Groups" (WRFNFG) or simply, the "Delegates Forum".
This is a quote from the
WRFNFG website:
"The WRFNFG hosts this ongoing online space within which
members may freely share their interests and concerns of the
local groups by which they have been duly elected as trusted
servants to represent and deliberate herein as may pertain to
the common welfare, unity, function, and growth of the
Nar-Anon/Narateen fellowship at large before, during, and after
the World Service Conference."
World Service Conference 2025
April 25 - 28, 2025
The World Service Conference (WSC) 2025 is an event
that occurs biennially, and attended by delegates from regions
around the world.
It will be held as a virtual event in an
audio/video meeting over the internet.
All Nar-Anon members may attend the WSC 2025 as
"observers", while each region delegate attends as a voting
Information on how to register for the WSC 2025 as an observer
will become available on Marth 15, 2025. Please check again
later. Observers must register in advance to attend.
For more information about the World Service Conferences and
Interim World Service Conferences, see the
World Service Conference page.
< This information was updated at 8:10 pm, 02/16/2025 >
NCR Assembly
An Assembly is scheduled on Saturday, March 15, 2025,
Virtual meeting opens 8:30 am PDT
Registration begins 8:45 am PDT
Call to order at 9:00 am PDT.
The complete agenda will be sent to the GSRs by email. It will
voting on the World Service Conference 2025 Motions,
voting on the World Service Conference 2025 Common Welfare Topics Poll,
possible election of a region Treasurer.
To update your group contact information, so that your group
will receive notifications from the Region Service Committee,
please contact
Video/teleconference information:
Service: Zoom
Phone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting id:
Phone passcode: 124 352
Internet passcode: ncrnfg
One-click link:
< This information was updated at 1:00 pm, 01/11/2025 >
World Service Conference Motions (CAR)
On April 25 to 28, 2025, the Nar-Anon World Service Conference
(WSC) will be held virtually. Delegates from regions around the
world will attend.
Much of the business of the WSC will consist
of discussing and voting on motions contained in the Conference
Agenda Report (CAR). The delegates need to know the group
conscience of their region, as expressed by the Group Service
Representative(GSR) of each group.
The vote of each group will be expressed in two ways:
- A poll This poll has been sent to each GSR. The GSR
will determine the group conscience and return that to the
delegate in the poll by March 12.
The results of this poll will be used to determine how to
handle each motion in the next phase. Motions that have
a 3/4 affirmative vote will be assumed to pass without
discussion or amentment.
- An Assembly An Assembly is scheduled for
March 15, 2025.
Motions that do not receive an affirmative vote of 3/4 in the
poll will be considered in this Assembly and then voted on.
The Assembly can propose and vote on amendments for the motion.
A vote for the motion with the amendment, and a vote for the
motion without the amendment will be taken. This is because it
is not known whether the amendment will be considered and
passed at the WSC 2025.
Prior to this Assembly, each GSR is asked to meet with their
group members to discuss the motions in the CAR and obtain
their group's conscience concerning those motions.
The CAR for the WSC 2025 can be downloaded from the World Service
Website here:
WSC 2025 Conference Agenda Report
Also download:
Appendix to CAR Motion 1
Appendix to CAR Motion 2
Recovery Literature Priority List
The Western Regions Convention Committee has prepared a set of
YouTube videos describing the WSC and the CAR motions. This is
intended for all members to view to prepare for discussing the
motions in their groups. These videos can be found here:
WSC 2025 CAR Motion Videos
Other material can be found on the
World Service Conference Page
For more information, contact the delegate at
< This information was updated at 9:15 pm, 02/16/2025 >