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03/31/2025 Posted the next Literature Sub-committee meeting

03/29/2025 Posted the April 5th meeting of the Convention Sub-committee.

03/27/2025 Posted the next Newsletter Sub-committee meeting

Nar-Anon Northern California Region

Our Nar-Anon World

Our World

As we change in such ways as these, we change the world about us and all the people in our world for the better.
[© 2014 NFGH Inc. from "Helping", Nar-Anon Blue Booklet]

The Northern California Region in the Worldwide Nar-Anon Fellowship

Updated 3/21/2025

Each region of Nar-Anon may choose a delegate and an alternate delegate to represent it and communicate with the worldwide Nar-Anon fellowship. The Nar-Anon Guide to World Services describes a biennual meeting called the World Service Conference (WSC) attended by the delegates, the Board of Trustees of Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. and other various parties, to pass motions to approve new and modified literature and set policies for Nar-Anon.

The Nar-Anon Guides to Service

The Nar-Anon Conference Approved Literature (CAL) includes service literature with the following guides.

World Representatives Forum

Following the 2021 World Service Conference (WSC), many of the regional delegates to the WSC have been participating in a forum where they have continuous access to communication with each other, worldwide. This social media channel is known as the "World Representatives Forum of Nar-Anon/Narateen Familly Groups" (WRFNFG) or simply, the "Delegates Forum".

This is a quote from the WRFNFG website: "The WRFNFG hosts this ongoing online space within which members may freely share their interests and concerns of the local groups by which they have been duly elected as trusted servants to represent and deliberate herein as may pertain to the common welfare, unity, function, and growth of the Nar-Anon/Narateen fellowship at large before, during, and after the World Service Conference."

World Service Conference 2025

April 25 - 28, 2025

The World Service Conference (WSC) 2025 is an event that occurs biennially, and attended by delegates from regions around the world. It will be held as a virtual event in an audio/video meeting over the internet.

All Nar-Anon members may attend the WSC 2025 as "observers", while each region delegate attends as a voting member. The "Observer Invitation" at the link below provides instructions on how to attend the WSC 2025 as an "observer". Observers must register in advance to attend.

WSC 2025 Observer Invitation (download here) updated 03/8/2025

For more information about the World Service Conferences and Interim World Service Conferences, see the World Service Conference page.

< This information was updated at 8:35 pm, 03/21/2025 >