Meeting Schedule of Nar-Anon's
Northern California Region (NCR)
Updated 3/15/2025
COVID-19 Notice (click here to view)
MANY IN-PERSON MEETINGS ARE STILL SUSPENDED. Most meetings are using teleconferencing. Local teleconference meetings can be found by day/time in the Virtual Meeting Index (along with worldwide virtual meetings), and by city using the Metro Center Index or the City Index. This web page is updated soon after we learn that meetings are using teleconference services, changing their teleconference services, and later, when in-person meetings start to resume. Please check this web page and refresh your browser just before you want to attend any of these meetings to make sure you have the latest information, and use the contact information for each meeting as needed.
We wish everyone to stay healthy. We hope everyone is using safe methods to prevent infection when attending in-person meetings.
Find NCR meetings and virtual meetings on this page:
- Virtual Meeting Index virtual (video/tele-conference) meetings inside and outside the NCR
- Spanish Meeting Index
- Metro Center Index find nearby cities with local meetings
- City Index Local NCR meetings by city, including in-person, virtual, and hybrid meetings
Virtual meetings in the Metro Center Index and City Index,
including hybrid meetings, are indicated by the
All times on this page are Pacific/California Time (Standard GMT-8 or Daylight GMT-7 depending on the date.)
Find world-wide meetings on other websites:
- find-a-meeting page of the World Service website
- virtual-meetings page of the World Service website
- other-sites page of the World Service website
More topics... (click on a heading to see the information)
How to Attend an In-person Meeting
All you need to do is go. Everyone you find there has taken the same plunge when they started, so they appreciate how you feel. Fill any open chair — early, on time, or late — we will take it from there. Usually some members arrive a few minutes before the meeting starts so there is someone to talk to. You are likely to know by the end of the meeting whether this is what you are looking for, but if you continue for few a more meetings, you will hear more of a variety of shares, some of which might be similar to your own situation. All Nar-Anon meetings are free for first-time newcomers and visitors. (Members make voluntary donations to support groups when they continue to attend.) There is no registration, reservation, or permission needed, and you only attend as many meetings as you want. You are welcome to use the contact information if you want to ask about attending a meeting.
The groups are open to guests and visitors, unless it is otherwise indicated that a particular group is only open to people whose lives are affected by an addict. If you are a student, intern, or journalist who wishes to attend for another reason, it is suggested that you contact the meeting in advance or talk to the group leader when you arrive before the meeting begins, and we request that you respect the anonymity of all members of Nar-Anon, by not repeating their names or details outside of the group.
Holiday Closures
Many groups have announced closures on certain holidays, as shown in the list below. It is likely that more groups will discuss and add closures closer to the holidays. It is also possible that a few groups will be closed on or near certain holidays without deciding and announcing this in advance. If in doubt, please use the contact information for the meeting to make sure, a few days before the meeting.
In most cases, if a meeting happens to be closed one week, it will still be open the next. If you find that a meeting doesn't seem to be open, and it was not a holiday, please use the group's contact information to find out what is happening, and also send us an email in case this listing needs to be updated.
To add, change, or remove your group's listing, including holidays closures, temporary changes, Group Service Representative info, and other contact info, please notify each of these:
- World Service Office using their Group Update Form
- NCR Webmaster, Meeting List Editor, and NCR Secretary at
- In the Central Valley Area and the Golden Gate Area, also notify your area's webmaster.
New Groups
Perhaps there are no groups in a community, or there are enough Nar-Anon members to support an additional group. See the Starting a Group page for help with starting a new group.
Areas in the Northern California Region
Some of the groups in the NCR are organized into areas. To see information about those areas see the Areas page.
Reuniones Españolas (Spanish meetings):
Virtual Lunes - Vive Y Deja Vivir Virtual Lunes - Gratitud Virtual Martes - Vive Y Deja Vivir Virtual Miércoles - Vive Y Deja Vivir Virtual Viernes - Vive Y Deja Vivir Virtual Sábado - Gratitud
Virtual (Video/Tele-conference) Meetings
Here is a list of virtual meetings, including some of the international permanently-virtual meetings and virtual meetings associated with the NCR. For local Meetings in the NCR, the city is indicated. Most of the other meetings are not associated with the NCR. Click on the day in the list below to reveal the meeting details.
All times listed here are Pacific Time. The times are for the next meeting. They could change with the seasons, depending on the time zone of the meeting.
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rohnert Park Cotati-Rohnert Park Group
"Cotati-Rohnert Park Group"
Cross and Crown Lutheran Church
5475 Snyder Lane
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-004 Link to this article:
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
It Starts With Us
"It Starts With Us"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 441 052 Internet passcode: serenity One-click link:
Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Rocky Mountain Region. World Service Office Group Id: 138-025 Link to this article:
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Surrender to Live Meeting Room
Suite E26
4545 Georgetown Place
Stockton, CA 95207
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 8180 2370 Internet passcode: Stockton One-click link:
(In-person meetings are suspended. The group is meeting by video teleconference.) Northern California Region Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Sacramento Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-143 Link to this article:
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Nar-Anon Recovery
"Nar-Anon Recovery"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Passcode: 012 058 (excluding spaces)
Email: World Service Office Group Id: 148-017 Link to this article:
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
Room 1776
350 Hawthorne Avenue
Oakland, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 141 566 Internet passcode: shareinoak One-click link:
(The group only meets virtual by video conferencing.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-014 Link to this article:
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
It Starts With Us
"It Starts With Us"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 441 052 Internet passcode: serenity One-click link:
Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Rocky Mountain Region. World Service Office Group Id: 138-025 Link to this article:
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
John Muir Medical Center (formerly Mt. Diablo Med. Ctr.)
First Floor, Martinez Room
2540 East Street
Concord, CA 94520
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
(The Martinez Room is just off the main entrance.) (This group meets as a hybrid meeting, both in person and by Zoom.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-003 Link to this article: < This meeting was updated at 8:00 pm, 12/31/2024 >
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
San Francisco Circle of Compassion
"Circle of Compassion"
CPMC Davies Campus
Level B, Conference Room B-1
North Tower Building
45 Castro Street
San Francisco, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Passcode: 442 627 2666 (excluding spaces) One-click link:
(In-person meetings have been suspended. The group meets by video-conference call.) Contact: Email: (download flyer) Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Golden Gate Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-020 Link to this article: < This meeting was updated at 8:30 pm, 12/31/2024 >
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Fresno Holding on to Hope
"Holding on to Hope"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 670 927 Internet passcode: Naranon
Central Valley Area Information Line: (live, voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Central Valley Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-007 Link to this article: < This meeting was updated at 8:30 pm, 12/31/2024 >
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Men Sharing Recovery
"Men Sharing Recovery"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 7279 3054 Internet passcode: recovery One-click link:
(This group focuses on men's experience in Nar-Anon, but all are welcome.) Email: Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Global Online Region. World Service Office Group Id: 142-048 Link to this article: < This meeting was updated at 10:00 am, 01/01/2025 >
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Hope After Loss
"Hope After Loss" (This group is for recovery from grief of the loss of an addicted loved one. All Nar-Anon members are welcome, but the discussion will focus on recovery from the loss. It uses the "Continuing Our Journey After Loss" booklet in the meetings.) (To find out how to join the group, please send an email to the address below.) Email: Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Global Online Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-147 Link to this article:
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
It Starts With Us
"It Starts With Us"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 441 052 Internet passcode: serenity One-click link:
Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Rocky Mountain Region. World Service Office Group Id: 138-025 Link to this article:
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
Chico Hope Starts Here
"Hope Starts Here"
Faith Lutheran Church
667 E. First Ave. (near Mangrove, in back)
Chico, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Internet passcode: Just4today One-click link:
(The group is hybrid - meets both in person and by video-teleconference calls.) Contact: Email: This group is associated with the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-096 Link to this article:
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Kaiser Addiction Medicine Recovery Services
ground floor, Room #4
380 W. MacArthur Blvd.
Oakland, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 424 561 Internet passcode: shareinoak One-click link:
(The group only meets virtually by video conferencing.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-137 Link to this article:
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Hope After Loss
"Hope After Loss" (This group is for recovery from grief of the loss of an addicted loved one. All Nar-Anon members are welcome, but the discussion will focus on recovery from the loss. It uses the "Continuing Our Journey After Loss" booklet in the meetings.) (To find out how to join the group, please send an email to the address below.) Email: Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Global Online Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-147 Link to this article:
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
It Starts With Us
"It Starts With Us"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 441 052 Internet passcode: serenity One-click link:
Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Rocky Mountain Region. World Service Office Group Id: 138-025 Link to this article:
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Santa Rosa
Providence Hospital (formerly Memorial Hospital)
Conference Room B
1165 Montgomery Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
(This group meets as a hybrid meeting (both on Zoom and in person) starting December 21, 2023.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-128 Link to this article:
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Martinez Strength and Unity
"Strength and Unity"
First Baptist Church
1802 Alhambra Avenue
Martinez, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
(The group usually meets as a hybrid meeting – both in-person and virtually by video or phone teleconference.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-088 Link to this article:
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
New Zoom id and email starting 3/15
The Quest Church
1461 S. Novato Blvd.
Novato, CA 94947
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-0128 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
(The group meets as a hybrid meeting - both in-person and virtual. Contact the group by email to find out how to connect to the virtual meeting. Those who are not vaccinated are asked to wear a mask.) Contact: Email: (download flyer) Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Golden Gate Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-080 Link to this article: < This meeting was updated at 1:00 pm, 03/15/2025 >
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
1125 Terra Nova Blvd.
Pacifica, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Phone passcode: none Internet passcode: 353 204 (excluding spaces)
(The group meets as a hybrid meeting, both in person and
virtually by Zoom.)
(First-time newcomers are invited to join the meeting at 6:45 pm
for an introduction to Nar-Anon.)
(Wheelchair accessibility: Assistance may be
requested to open the exterior door. No stairs or ramps.)
(download flyer)
for the local web site with more information and
temporary meeting changes.
This group is associated with the Golden Gate Area in the Northern California Region.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-132
Link to this article:
< This meeting was updated at 8:00 pm, 03/13/2025 >
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
Sacramento Wyndham Nar-Anon
"Wyndham Nar-Anon"
Kaiser Wyndham Medical Office Building
First Floor, Conference Rooms 1 & 2
7300 Wyndham Dr.
Sacramento, CA
(view map)
(The group meets virtually, by video and teleconference calls.
Please contact the group by phone or email (see below) to find out
how to join the meeting.)
Group email:
This group is associated with the Sacramento Area in the Northern California Region.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-146
Link to this article:
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Redwood City Letting Go and Letting It Begin With Us
"Letting Go and Letting It Begin With Us"
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
178 Clinton Street
Redwood City, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Internet passcode: 995 470 (excluding spaces) One-click link:
(The group meets virtually by video/tele-conference.) Group Contact: Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-016 Link to this article:
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Walnut Creek
Hillside Covenant Church
Classroom #2
2060 Magnolia Way
Walnut Creek, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
(The group uses a hybrid format, meeting both in person and by Zoom.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-122 Link to this article:
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Men Sharing - TOHPIF
"Men Sharing - TOHPIF"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 1259 9002 Internet passcode: serenity One-click link:
(The "Thank Our Higher Power It's Friday" Men's group. This group focuses on men's experience in Nar-Anon, but all are welcome.) Email: (download flyer) Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Global Online Region. World Service Office Group Id: 136-022 Link to this article:
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
It Starts With Us
"It Starts With Us"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 441 052 Internet passcode: serenity One-click link:
Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Rocky Mountain Region. World Service Office Group Id: 138-025 Link to this article:
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Santa Clara Together We Recover
"Together We Recover"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Passcode: 104 539 (excluding spaces) One-click link:
(The group meets virtually via video teleconference.) Contact: Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-023 Link to this article:
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Hope After Loss
"Hope After Loss" (This group is for recovery from grief of the loss of an addicted loved one. All Nar-Anon members are welcome, but the discussion will focus on recovery from the loss. It uses the "Continuing Our Journey After Loss" booklet in the meetings.) (To find out how to join the group, please send an email to the address below.) Email: Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Global Online Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-147 Link to this article:
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
It Starts With Us
Speaker Meeting
"It Starts With Us"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 441 052 Internet passcode: serenity One-click link:
Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Rocky Mountain Region. World Service Office Group Id: 138-025 Link to this article:
7:30 pm
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
116 Montecito Avenue
Oakland, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Passcode: 436 708 (excluding spaces) One-click link:
(The group meets virtually. Use the contact below (Wendy) for conectivity issues.) (This is a lively, diverse group of longtime and more recent members willing to share their experience, strength and hope. Newcomers are always welcome. Check it out!) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Wendy: For connection problems or to order literature. This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area in the Northern California Region. World Service Office Group Id: 131-015 Link to this article:
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
It Starts With Us
"It Starts With Us"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 441 052 Internet passcode: serenity One-click link:
Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Rocky Mountain Region. World Service Office Group Id: 138-025 Link to this article:
7:00 pm
Pacific Northwest
"Pacific Northwest" Email: This group is associated with the Pacific Northwest Region. World Service Office Group Id: 142-040 Link to this article:
4:00 pm
Vive Y Deja Vivir
"Vive Y Deja Vivir" (Alojado en México y utiliza las reglas de horario de verano de los Estados Unidos (PST/PDT)) Correo electrónico: Este grupo está asociado con la Región Global En Línea ID del grupo asignado por el Servicio Mundial: 52-018 Link to this article:
5:00 pm
"Gratitud" Correo electrónico: ID del grupo asignado por el Servicio Mundial: 259-200 Link to this article:
4:00 pm
Vive Y Deja Vivir
Especialmente para los nuevos
"Vive Y Deja Vivir" (Alojado en México y utiliza las reglas de horario de verano de los Estados Unidos (PST/PDT)) Correo electrónico: Este grupo está asociado con la Región Global En Línea ID del grupo asignado por el Servicio Mundial: 52-018 Link to this article:
4:00 pm
Vive Y Deja Vivir
"Vive Y Deja Vivir" (Alojado en México y utiliza las reglas de horario de verano de los Estados Unidos (PST/PDT)) Correo electrónico: Este grupo está asociado con la Región Global En Línea ID del grupo asignado por el Servicio Mundial: 52-018 Link to this article:
4:00 pm
Vive Y Deja Vivir
"Vive Y Deja Vivir" (Alojado en México y utiliza las reglas de horario de verano de los Estados Unidos (PST/PDT)) Correo electrónico: Este grupo está asociado con la Región Global En Línea ID del grupo asignado por el Servicio Mundial: 52-018 Link to this article:
5:00 pm
"Gratitud" Correo electrónico: ID del grupo asignado por el Servicio Mundial: 259-200 Link to this article:
Index of Metro Centers in the NCR
This is an index of geographical groups of cities for locating nearby meetings. Click on a metro center name to see links to nearby cities with meetings. Each city is listed under all nearby metro centers. It is not based on the county or area a city is part of.
Teleconference meetings are indicated by the
symbol next to the names of metro centers
and cities.
Locations with no in-person meetings are indicated by the
symbol next to the names.
The days of the week in each location are indicated by two-letter abbreviations.
Chico (We)
Concord/Walnut Creek (Tu,Th,Fr)
Fresno (Tu,Th,Fr)
Novato (Th)
Oakland (Mo,Th,Sa)

Sacramento (Mo,Tu,We,Th,Sa)
San Francisco (Tu,Th)
San Jose/Silicon Valley (Th,Sa)

Santa Rosa (Mo,Th)
Stockton (Mo,Th,Sa)
Yuba City (Tu)
Index of all Meetings in the NCR by City:
Click on the day in the list below to see all the meeting information
The following symbols are used with the meeting descriptions:
Meeting uses virtual video/teleconference calls (phone/internet), including hybrid meetings. See the details of the meeting to find out how to connect.
In-person meeting suspended or restricted due to COVID-19 precautions. See the details of the meeting for more information.
Wheelchair accessible without assistance — exterior doors have automatic openers or switchplates. No stairs or long ramps to access meeting room or restrooms.
Wheelchair accessible with assistance to open exterior doors or go up long ramps. No stairs to access meeting room or restrooms.
Not wheelchair accessible.
indicates closed meetings. Other meetings are open. A closed meeting only admits persons who qualify for Nar-Anon membership, as stated in Tradition 3: "The only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of addiction in a relative or friend." An open meeting admits visitors who do not have a relative or friend with a problem of addiction.
↩ Arcata
Thursday (Jueves)
6:45 pm - 7:45 pm
Hope For Families

"Hope For Families"
Arcata United Methodist Church
Room #7
1761 11th Street
Arcata, CA
(view map)
(In-person meetings are suspended by county orders. Please check back later for further updates.)
Northern California Region Information Line:
Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail)
World Service Office Group Id: 131-002
Link to this article:
↩ Chico
Wednesday (Miércoles)
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
Hope Starts Here
"Hope Starts Here"
Faith Lutheran Church
667 E. First Ave. (near Mangrove, in back)
Chico, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Internet passcode: Just4today One-click link:
(The group is hybrid - meets both in person and by video-teleconference calls.) Contact: Email: World Service Office Group Id: 131-096 Link to this article:
↩ Concord
Tuesday (Martes)
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
John Muir Medical Center (formerly Mt. Diablo Med. Ctr.)
First Floor, Martinez Room
2540 East Street
Concord, CA 94520
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
(The Martinez Room is just off the main entrance.) (This group meets as a hybrid meeting, both in person and by Zoom.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-003 Link to this article: < This meeting was updated at 8:00 pm, 12/31/2024 >
↩ Cotati
World Service Office Group Id: 131-004 Link to this article:
↩ Elk Grove
Wednesday (Miércoles)
6:30 pm - 7:45 pm
Elk Grove United Methodist Church
Community Room (CR)
8986 Elk Grove Blvd.
Elk Grove, CA 95624
(Enter through the back gate near the parking lot, walk through
the courtyard towards Elk Grove Blvd. Look for CR sign on the
building on your right)
This group is associated with the Sacramento Area.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-019
Link to this article:
< This meeting was updated at 7:45 pm, 01/01/2025 >
↩ Eureka
Tuesday (Martes)
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

First United Methodist Church
520 Del Norte Street
Eureka, CA
(view map)
(In-person meetings are suspended by county orders. Please check back later for further updates.)
Northern California Region Information Line:
Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail)
World Service Office Group Id: 131-136
Link to this article:
↩ Fresno
Monday (Lunes)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Food for Thought

"Food for Thought" Central Valley Area Information Line: (live, voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Central Valley Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-086 Link to this article:
Tuesday (Martes)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Holding on to Hope

"Holding on to Hope"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 670 927 Internet passcode: Naranon
Central Valley Area Information Line: (live, voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Central Valley Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-007 Link to this article: < This meeting was updated at 8:30 pm, 12/31/2024 >
Thursday (Jueves)
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Hope in Fresno
"Hope in Fresno"
Hope Lutheran Church
Room 26
5435 N. Fresno St. (at Barstow Ave.)
Fresno, CA 93710
(view map)
Central Valley Area Information Line:
(live, voicemail)
This group is associated with the Central Valley Area.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-006
Link to this article:
Friday (Viernes)
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

No Longer Alone
Closed on 03/10
"No Longer Alone"
Hope Lutheran Church
Room 26
5435 N. Fresno St. (at Barstow Ave.)
Fresno, CA 93710
(view map)
(This group has been closed; it will not meet any longer. The
Central Valley Area hopes to start another newcomer meeting in
the future, so check again later.)
Central Valley Area Information Line:
(live, voicemail)
This group is associated with the Central Valley Area.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-154
Link to this article:
< This meeting was updated at 8:00 am, 03/11/2025 >
↩ Galt
Saturday (Sábado)
9:30 am - 10:30 am
Galt United Methodist Church
(Enter through back door)
571 C Street
Galt, CA
(view map)
(Please contact the group for further information.)
This group is associated with the Sacramento Area.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-110
Link to this article:
↩ Hayward
Monday (Lunes)
7:15 pm - 8:45 pm
Family & Friends of Addicts
No meeting on federal holidays

"Family & Friends of Addicts"
Kaiser Permanente Sleepy Hollow Medical Offices
2nd Floor
27303 Sleepy Hollow Ave.
Hayward, CA
(view map)
(In-person meetings are suspended by county orders. Please check back later for further updates.)
World Service Office Group Id: 131-027
Link to this article:
↩ Ione
Tuesday (Martes)
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

King's View Assembly of God
432 West Marlette Street
Ione, CA
(view map)
(In-person meetings are suspended by county orders. Please check back later for further updates.)
World Service Office Group Id: 131-124
Link to this article:
↩ Lodi
Thursday (Jueves)
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Freedom Group Office
1321 W. Lockeford Street
Lodi, CA 95242
Contact: Jennifer (texts preferred):
This group is associated with the Sacramento Area.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-152
Link to this article:
↩ Martinez
Thursday (Jueves)
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Strength and Unity
"Strength and Unity"
First Baptist Church
1802 Alhambra Avenue
Martinez, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
(The group usually meets as a hybrid meeting – both in-person and virtually by video or phone teleconference.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-088 Link to this article:
↩ Novato
Thursday (Jueves)
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
New Zoom id and email starting 3/15
The Quest Church
1461 S. Novato Blvd.
Novato, CA 94947
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-0128 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
(The group meets as a hybrid meeting - both in-person and virtual. Contact the group by email to find out how to connect to the virtual meeting. Those who are not vaccinated are asked to wear a mask.) Contact: Email: (download flyer) Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Golden Gate Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-080 Link to this article: < This meeting was updated at 1:00 pm, 03/15/2025 >
↩ Oakland
Monday (Lunes)
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
Room 1776
350 Hawthorne Avenue
Oakland, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 141 566 Internet passcode: shareinoak One-click link:
(The group only meets virtual by video conferencing.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-014 Link to this article:
Thursday (Jueves)
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Kaiser Addiction Medicine Recovery Services
ground floor, Room #4
380 W. MacArthur Blvd.
Oakland, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 424 561 Internet passcode: shareinoak One-click link:
(The group only meets virtually by video conferencing.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-137 Link to this article:
Saturday (Sábado)
7:30 pm

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
116 Montecito Avenue
Oakland, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Passcode: 436 708 (excluding spaces) One-click link:
(The group meets virtually. Use the contact below (Wendy) for conectivity issues.) (This is a lively, diverse group of longtime and more recent members willing to share their experience, strength and hope. Newcomers are always welcome. Check it out!) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Wendy: For connection problems or to order literature. This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-015 Link to this article:
↩ Pacifica
Thursday (Jueves)
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
1125 Terra Nova Blvd.
Pacifica, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Phone passcode: none Internet passcode: 353 204 (excluding spaces)
(The group meets as a hybrid meeting, both in person and
virtually by Zoom.)
(First-time newcomers are invited to join the meeting at 6:45 pm
for an introduction to Nar-Anon.)
(Wheelchair accessibility: Assistance may be
requested to open the exterior door. No stairs or ramps.)
(download flyer)
for the local web site with more information and
temporary meeting changes.
This group is associated with the Golden Gate Area.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-132
Link to this article:
< This meeting was updated at 8:00 pm, 03/13/2025 >
↩ Redwood City
Thursday (Jueves)
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Letting Go and Letting It Begin With Us

"Letting Go and Letting It Begin With Us"
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
178 Clinton Street
Redwood City, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Internet passcode: 995 470 (excluding spaces) One-click link:
(The group meets virtually by video/tele-conference.) Group Contact: Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-016 Link to this article:
↩ Rohnert Park
Monday (Lunes)
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Cotati-Rohnert Park Group

"Cotati-Rohnert Park Group"
Cross and Crown Lutheran Church
5475 Snyder Lane
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-004 Link to this article:
↩ Roseville
Monday (Lunes)
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Horizons Community Church
628 Royer Street
Roseville, CA
(view map)
Northern California Region Information Line:
Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail)
This group is associated with the Sacramento Area.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-017
Link to this article:
↩ Sacramento
Tuesday (Martes)
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
First Floor
2400 22nd Street (@ X St.)
Sacramento, CA 95811
(Enter only through the back door of the building.)
Please use text message
Northern California Region Information Line:
Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail)
This group is associated with the Sacramento Area.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-094
Link to this article:
< This meeting was updated at 7:30 pm, 12/31/2024 >
Thursday (Jueves)
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm

Wyndham Nar-Anon

"Wyndham Nar-Anon"
Kaiser Wyndham Medical Office Building
First Floor, Conference Rooms 1 & 2
7300 Wyndham Dr.
Sacramento, CA
(view map)
(The group meets virtually, by video and teleconference calls.
Please contact the group by phone or email (see below) to find out
how to join the meeting.)
Group email:
This group is associated with the Sacramento Area.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-146
Link to this article:
↩ San Francisco
Tuesday (Martes)
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm

Circle of Compassion

"Circle of Compassion"
CPMC Davies Campus
Level B, Conference Room B-1
North Tower Building
45 Castro Street
San Francisco, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Passcode: 442 627 2666 (excluding spaces) One-click link:
(In-person meetings have been suspended. The group meets by video-conference call.) Contact: Email: (download flyer) Click here for the local web site with more information and temporary meeting changes. This group is associated with the Golden Gate Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-020 Link to this article: < This meeting was updated at 8:30 pm, 12/31/2024 >
↩ Santa Clara
Saturday (Sábado)
8:00 am - 9:00 am

Together We Recover

"Together We Recover"
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: Passcode: 104 539 (excluding spaces) One-click link:
(The group meets virtually via video teleconference.) Contact: Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-023 Link to this article:
↩ Santa Rosa
Thursday (Jueves)
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Providence Hospital (formerly Memorial Hospital)
Conference Room B
1165 Montgomery Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
(This group meets as a hybrid meeting (both on Zoom and in person) starting December 21, 2023.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-128 Link to this article:
↩ Stockton
Monday (Lunes)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Surrender to Live Meeting Room
Suite E26
4545 Georgetown Place
Stockton, CA 95207
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: Phone passcode: 8180 2370 Internet passcode: Stockton One-click link:
(In-person meetings are suspended. The group is meeting by video teleconference.) Northern California Region Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Sacramento Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-143 Link to this article:
↩ Walnut Creek
Thursday (Jueves)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Mt. Diablo Universal Unitarian Ch.
Oak Room
55 Eckley Ln.
Walnut Creek, CA
(From the parking lot, go in the door next to the Church Office door.)
Mount Diablo Area Information Line:
Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail)
This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area.
World Service Office Group Id: 131-162
Link to this article:
Friday (Viernes)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Hillside Covenant Church
Classroom #2
2060 Magnolia Way
Walnut Creek, CA
(view map)
Video/teleconference information: Service: Zoom Phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting id: No passcode One-click link:
(The group uses a hybrid format, meeting both in person and by Zoom.) Mount Diablo Area Information Line: Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail) Email: This group is associated with the Mount Diablo Area. World Service Office Group Id: 131-122 Link to this article:
↩ Yuba City
Tuesday (Martes)
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
Dottie Naylor Room
1390 Franklin Road
Yuba City, CA 95901
Northern California Region Information Line:
Please mention which meeting(s) you want information for. (live or voicemail)
Contact: Jimmy M:
World Service Office Group Id: 131-166
Link to this article:
< This meeting was updated at 8:15 pm, 12/31/2024 >